In October we finally held our conclusive meeting with the partners from the EVD project.
Projektbesøg i Sri Lanka
Simon og Camilla besøgte i marts vores partner Integrated Development Association (IDEA) i Sri Lanka, som er en del af vores projekt “Next generation low carbon, climate resilient Eco-Village Development
Indian villages use new sustainable solutions
I landsbyen Margul er flere klimavenlige løsninger blevet installeret. De skal både være en hjælp i hverdagen og et alternativ til klimaskadelige teknologier. Landbefolkningen i det centrale Indien arbejder hårdt
Big meeting with South Asia partners
Partnerne på det store klima- og bæredygtighedsprojekt ‘Next Generation Eco-Village Development’ holdt stort fællesmøde i Nepal i starten af april. Alle organisationer repræsenteret til ugelangt møde om projektets resultater, udfordringer
Presentation in Copenhagen - Local climate solutions in South Asia
Vores to journalister – Didier Larsen og Mie Olsen – er nu snart på vej hjem fra deres projektrejse i Sydasien. De har været rundt og besøge vores samarbejdspartnere i
DIB earns 4.9 million danish crowns for new EVD-project
Solidt forarbejde, et stærkt samarbejde på tværs af organisationerne og koordinering af inputs har båret frugt: DIB har modtaget en bevilling på 4,3 mio. kr. af CISUs Civilsamfundspulje til at
Completion of second EVD project
The project period for our work on scaling up the eco-village concept in South Asia is leaking towards the end and in this connection Lykke and Jonas from the Secretariat participated in the closing meeting in the cultural capital of Sri Lanka,
Two flies with a bang in Nepal
Flight 1: Rounding out the 2.5 year climate project goes fast and especially when you have a project with six partners that is implemented in four countries. So even though I think we
At climate conference in Bonn
In May, DIB went to the UNFCCC International Climate Conference in Bonn together with our partners from the climate project in South Asia. The purpose of our participation was to leverage the platform to spread
New project launched in India
Just over three months after we received the final approval of the global project “Evidence based advocacy for low-carbon, pro-poor sustainable“ Eco-Village Development ”(EVD) in South Asia” Christian and Lykke added