Conference in Bonn together with our partners from the climate project in South Asia. The purpose of our participation was to leverage the platform to spread awareness of our eco-village concept and try to influence relevant decision makers to include the concept in national climate strategies. The project was strongly represented with participants from INSEDA (India), Grameen Shakti (Bangladesh), IDEA (Sri Lanka), CANSA and INFORSE. 

Participation in Bonn provided the opportunity to follow the first climate meeting after the global climate agreement was negotiated in place in Paris in December, and gain insight into the topics that deal with negotiators, country groups, civil society etc. In addition to attending sessions, meetings, workshops and side events, the partners, on May 20, even the official UNFCCC side event, held"South Asian Eco-Village Solutions in NDCs and Climate Finance: Renewable Energy, Organic Farming". Here it was presented how the ecoland village concept can be integrated into the forward-looking national action plans to ensure that the countries live up to their climate commitments. At the event, the publication "Eco-Village Development and Climate Solutions – Proposals from South Asia" was published. The publication is prepared by the project partners as part of the project. It provides an overview of the South Asian context and the challenges facing the region in relation to climate change, energy needs and poverty. In addition, the publication is based on the organizations' project experiences with eco-rural development, the various low-energy solutions and local case studies, as well as a whole section on recommendations for how the concept can be implemented on a larger scale. You can read the publication here. Read, among others, about Bimla in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand. With a simple sun drier, Bimbla has been given the opportunity to process and conserve her crops so that she can sell them for a good price in a local market. In doing so, she has earned herself an income, gained confidence and is regarded as a role model in her community.

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