Johanne (on the right) and Kristell (on the left) have spent the last two months doing their internship with Kijani, in the Geita region in Tanzania. They are both enrolled in Public Administration (BA)
Johanne (on the right) and Kristell (on the left) have spent the last two months doing their internship with Kijani, in the Geita region in Tanzania. They are both enrolled in Public Administration (BA)
Meeting with the mayor in Guinobatan, February 2024. Anders and Alexander, from the 4th semester of Catastrophe and Risk Management, are currently doing their internship in the Philippines.
Vi hedder Julius og Rebecca, og vi studerer Katastrofe- og risikomanagement på Københavns Professionshøjskole. I vores 4. semester praktik, har vi været så heldige at komme i praktik hos DIB
Vi er to studerende fra Katastrofe- og risikomanagement, Erik og Lasse, der har haft en utrolig spændende praktikoplevelse på Filippinerne i 10 uger. Vores 4. semester var dedikeret til praktik,